Thursday, April 1, 2010

Love and Logic: Leaving the Playground

Like most of us, I am always afraid my daughter is going to throw a huge fit when I tell her it is time to leave the playground. She has thrown this notorious fit a few times. However, when I use the Love and Logic 5 minute rule things go a lot smoother.

When I'm getting the itch to get moving I say, "Lauren, would you like to leave now or in 5 minutes?" This option allows me to share the control with my daughter. She knows she has to follow my rules, but she has a little say in them as well.  I prepare myself to always spend the extra 5 minutes playing because her answer always is 5 minutes.

I then keep talking with the other playdate mommy or continue to dig sand with my daughter for the next 5 minutes.

When 5 minutes is up I say, "Okay, 5 minutes is up, time to go." 

Her usual response is, "Okay mommy."  (Thank God.)

She has challenged me on this before, but I usually just take off. She comes screaming behind me, "No, mommy! Don't leave me!" This breaks my heart, but she catches up really quickly and this is an infrequent occurrence.

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