Friday, April 23, 2010

Love and Logic: Teaching Responsibility

A while back I wrote about how my daughter was changing her clothes 5 times a day and then leaving them all over the floor or they would end up in the dirty laundry pile. That made for a lot of laundry.

In an effort to stop the chaos, I found four boxes of the same size and labeled them shirts/sweaters, pants/skirts, pajamas, and dresses.

Each day before nap and before bedtime we try to go through the same routine of playing pick up with Lauren's clothes.Sometimes, okay, many times we forget to go through this routine.

Last night we put her to bed at 8pm. My husband and I went downstairs to watch TV and around 10pm we heard this little voice, "I cleaned by room!"  Shocked that she was still up, my husband went upstairs and found her room spotless and all of her clothes were put away in the boxes.

I've been working on my responses to her good behavior. This morning I said, "Lauren, I noticed you worked hard on cleaning your room. (I had to stop myself before I said, good job.) I bet you are proud of yourself.

"Yeah, I am."  She smiled.

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